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Felicia & Christian Goetsch

Superstar Consultant


My Story

Hey everyone! Thank you for choosing us to be your Scentsy dealers! If you are reading this for the first time, welcome and I (Felicia) hope that we can share a bit of our hearts.

I first was introduced to Scentsy through a high school friend and loved the fact that is was safe and less mess than a candle and flame with my young daughter and two dogs. I joined Scentsy because I am a dreamer, an optimist, I think with my heart and I felt that if I started this, maybe…just maybe, I wouldn’t have to drop my daughter off at a babysitters anymore. I could be there for her. I was in the National Guard and working full time and my husband was active duty and deploying every other year. My daughter needed some sort of constant and that was GOING to be me. She deserved MORE.

My Scentsy journey began during a deployment as a newlywed and living over 1,000 miles from any friends or family. I had survived an abusive previous relationship and was building myself back piece by piece with the help of my husband and oldest daughter Sophia. I was tired of constantly working, sometimes two weeks in a row with no days off, and missing out on my daughter’s life. Only having her for a few hours for dinner, bath and bedtime. That utterly broke my heart. I wanted MORE.

Rebuilding your confidence, your strength, your resolve and breaking down the walls of your heart brick by brick is NOT an overnight thing. I was a single mom for the first year of her life and my parents graciously welcomed us into their home and helped me get back on my feet. Being a single mom was TOUGH. I was judged and shamed publicly, lost friends and had to make some tough decisions in not only my best interest but, my daughters as well. The journey was NOT easy and it was long but,I wanted MORE. Through Scentsy I was able to find family and friends who helped point me in the right direction. If I didn’t have Scentsy to help me find those people, I don’t know where I would be.

I have been where I didn’t have enough money for diapers, for milk, for gas to get to work. I have been where I had to scrounge for pennies but, thank GOD I don’t have to worry about that anymore! I was determined to make it WORK. You see, I felt like a nobody, no college degree, medically retired from the military, TONS of debt YET Scentsy had given me purpose. I am somebody. I have found what makes me happy. I do this to SERVE & make others HAPPY. I have been successful with Scentsy earning free trips, and getting to lead a TEAM of women and men by helping them reach their dreams and to let them know, its okay to want MORE.

If you EVER have a small glimmer of hope that says, “I wonder IF I can do that?” I’m going to tell you right now…YOU…CAN! “I want more but…” STOP right there…you CAN want MORE. You deserve MORE. There is nothing that makes me more special than you. We all have baggage, we all have been through some tough stuff that makes us doubt our capabilities and I’m here to tell you, it’s time to HAVE MORE.
I would love to welcome you into a Family that feels like HOME.

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